Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Dear Diary~
Today was like any other day. Mom left my windows rolled down again so that my insides wouldn't stink when she got in. And Grandpa rolled them up so she wouldn't get too wet because of all the rain. The rain was great tho, because now I was clean again.
The great thing about spring is that Mom spends a lot of time with me. Today I was really excited because Mom pulled me into the garage. When she pulls me in there I know that we are going to have some quality time together. She opened up my back and pulled out all of the junk she puts in there to off road. But then she started pulling on my carpet and unscrewing me to get under my trim. That's when I realized she was taking my carpet out! She got all the carpet out of the back pretty fast and then started moving around all the dirt and water that was underneath it. I was really really dirty, and that's when she realized that I have some big holes in my floor. After taking my seats out and my center console to get rid of all my gross carpet, she finally started putting me back together. Then she taped over my holes so that she won't die while she drives. All together we spent a good 5 hours together, and I think she's gonna make me over soon. Because she was scratching at all my rust and trying to make me clean again. It was a long day, but I am finally dry after... almost a year.

1 comment:

chara said...

i love that your back = i miss my michigan sissy..