Monday, April 02, 2007

Trip One of 2007

We Had quite the adventurous day, Getting Stuck and splashing around! I crawled underneath this Jeep to hook up the tow strap to the Axel... Not a smart Idea, but the water was warm! This was my lunch on top of the hood. A large bag of chips I did start and finish that day and a blue powerade. Underneath is me, patching a hole the diameter of my index finger.
You have to learn to make do with what you have on the trails otherwise you will be towed home, and that's not cool... so i folded up some card board and covered it 3 inches wide with silicone gasket sealer! Then taped over all of that so ensure a oily drive home.

I did make it home, and learned to change an oil pan and a Rear Main it doesn't mark it's territory everywhere I go.

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