Saturday, November 26, 2005


So, This weekend was great! Rhianon and I spent Thanksgiving day with Jake, Jess and Josh Fuller. We surfed all afternoon, and then went to their place for dinner. Dinner turned into some card games and it was eventually very late. So, we decided to stay there for the night and we had Thanksgiving dinner with them and some friends the following day. Friday we ate so much good food! We played some Texas Holdem, Botchy ball, Euchre, and Telephone pictionary, it was just a day loaded with joy. That evening we scooted out pretty late and I decided I wanted some coffee to make my way home. I ended up getting a starbucks double shot and it was way more than I needed. I was up until 4 the following morning because I couldn't get my body or my brain to relax.
These are pictures from the holiday! Rhianon and I were out for our first time since Heath has been gone.

It was great to get to know the Fullers and hang out with them, they are three wonderful people!

The sunset was just so perfect!

Rhianon and I felt like we were really in the wilderness with that shower surrounded with all the trees, she sure can be silly!

That's me sitting on the board, it is so cool to be in the water while the sun is setting.

Botchy ball was a fun game to learn, and it was neat to do that with people I barely knew. It's funny because I feel like I have known some of them for so long, because the relationships clicked when we were together.

Saturday we were with Tam and Nyoka for their Thanksgiving feast, so we got lots of eating in, and i don't regret it! It's funny how tired the holidays make you. Thanks everyone for a great weekend! Love ya bunches!

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