Wednesday, October 19, 2005


Wow! It's so good to be back. I just got home from babysitting Monday and it has been so nice to relax. Let me tell you, it is good birth control to babysit someone else's kids for a week straight. It was definitely fun and the kids were a blast, but it's so tiring.
Today I was playing around with the soccer ball and it turned into an hour an a half... Who knew? So, I kicked the ball so carelessly and it ended up in a huge bush 8 feet off the ground. The only way to get to it was to climb up on a dumpster shelter and crawl my way across the open roof. It was several pieces of 2 by 4 but I had to stand on the 2 inch part and there were like, 4 inches between each one. That wasn't the scary part. The scary part was that they were old and slightly mushy so I was trying to figure out the whole time whether I would rather fall in the dumpster or on the cement. However, I made it safely up, got the ball and then back down. Simply a scrape on my knee.
As for now I am tired, and my mom is coming on the 27th! That should be fun.

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